Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our eyes were opened and our understandings were enlightened, so as to see and understand the things of God...D&C 76

The truths revealed in D&C 76 answer some of the deepest questions of the soul. For many of the early saints, this composite revelation on the kingdoms of glory answered questions that they didn't even know they had. In other words, it was very surprising and a lot to digest! Brigham Young had to literally put the revelation on his shelf for a time until he could come to grips with it. He didn't rebel, as he continued to live the Gospel, but he knew that wrestling too hard with some of his questions could threaten his testimony. Most people believed in one heaven and hell as comprising the final destination of our souls, but the revelations in D&C 76 expanded this view to many degrees of glory in the heavens depending on our faithfulness and level of acceptance of Christ. The doctrine essentially make us the most liberal Christians out there (and this could be one thing many had a hard time accepting) because even in the lowest degree of glory, a kingdom so marvelous we can't grasp it with our current imaginations, those who committed grievous sins of all sorts will be welcomed. D&C 76 reveals both complete justice and mercy by God. Now I will mention that the view of going to heaven or hell after death is not incorrect as this describes perfectly the spiritual realm before the resurrection: going to paradise or spirit prison.
When Joseph Smith was translating the Bible he came to realize that the sacred book is not infallible. There were truths lost, likely through both accidents and misfortune along with deliberate changing of passages. As he and Sidney Rigdon were going through St. John chapter 5 they came across verse 29. Joseph received inspired changes to let the verse read: "And shall come forth; they who have done good, in the resurrection of the just; and they who have done evil, in the resurrection of the unjust." This simple verse led to them marveling and truly pondering the resurrection and life after that. While meditating the Lord opened their understanding to the degrees of glory and 5 incredible visions ensued creating the composite revelation we know as D&C 76. In a powerful teaching method, the Lord opened their spiritual eyes to the glory of the highest, or celestial, kingdom first. Then followed a view of outer darkness where the devil and others who fully rejected Christ after fully knowing Him reside. Then followed a vision of the celestial kingdom again which surely emphasized the brightness and supreme glory of that kingdom when outer darkness is considered in between. With the visions of the terrestrial and telestial kingdoms, the revelations are complete.
One of the simple truths elucidated by D&C 76 is that progression does not need to end. By following the gospel path, making and keeping covenants, repenting continually, and fully accepting and striving to become like Christ, we can through the Plan of Salvation literally become like Him and our Heavenly Father. This requires entering the highest degree of the celestial kingdom and is referred to as exaltation, or eternal lives. Eternal life differs from eternal lives because exaltation is not possible when you are all alone--it requires families!
D&C 76 also shows how incredibly loving God is since the kingdoms of glory enable Him to give His children as much as much as they would accept. He loves all of His children and I know that through Christ all the gates are open to progression, to being in His presence, and to become like Him. I am grateful for the clarity and expanded view of the Plan of Salvation afforded by D&C 76!