Sunday, October 25, 2009

Power in the Printing Press

On Tuesday Oct 20 I attended the presentation at the Crandall Printing Museum on Center St. in Provo. I rushed there from my Spanish class feeling a little skeptical on how they could effectively keep my attention for 2 hours. I highly underestimated the museum!
Since I know right now I won' be able to capture the real experience here, I will start by strongly encouraging any reader to attend the Crandall Printing Museum tour. Go with family, friends, ward members, etc. Plan the trip with at least 15 people and the cost is only $3/person. Location: 275 East Center Street, Provo, Utah, 84606. Phone: 801-377-7777 (call to schedule a group). You won't regret it!
When I arrived there was a man dressed-up like an early 19th century person and another kind man who welcomed me with such warmth and seemed so excited I was there. I immediatley knew these men really cared about what they had to share and that some of that would surely rub off on me. I watched as another historically-dressed man told the amazing story of Johannes Gutenberg inventing the first printing press. This was a process, not an event, and the story is told in an incredible replica of the original print shop. The presentation was very real and brought you back in time to truly appreciate the reality and innovative nature of the printing press. Thinking about Gutenberg's sacrifices to make not just one but six working printing presses and then to go out of business because of financial constraints was humbling. I agree with the presenter's assertion that Gutenberg was inspired because with six presses and all the men trained to work them led to the spread of the technology. And the museum's order of presentations was even more powerful with the reference point of the Gutenberg press since the printing press technology really didn't change for four hundred years after that.
We were led to a few different rooms after the Gutenberg print shop: Ben Franklin's Print Shop, E.B. Grandin's Print Shop, and a brief stop in the Deseret News print shop. Ben Franklin's story was no less powerful than Gutenberg's. I felt deep appreciation for the founder's of our nation and gratitude for the Hand of God in guiding men's lives like Ben Franklin to have the skills, knowledge, and moral compass in place to influence profoundly the birth of the United States. Their sacrifices were huge! And the printing press had a key role in keeping the continental soldiers on board when most would likely have abandoned the cause of the revolution. All the leaders put their lives at stake. Then I got to feel actual metal type all set-up in a replica of the original press used to create the U.S. Constitution!
The things I learned and felt in the shop telling the story of the printing of the Book of Mormon also were incredible. As we passed through time I saw more clearly how the Lord prepared so many things for hundreds of years, from the birth of the printing press to the birth of this free country to prepare the time for the Restoration and coming forth of the Book of Mormon. I know God has a Hand in our lives and that impossible tasks (like printing 5,000 copies of an over 500 page book in a frontier town) are made possible through our faith and hard work coupled with God's tender mercy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

G a t h e r i ng!

The early Saints in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gained testimonies of Joseph's role as a prophet similar to ancient Israel's view of Moses or other prophets. With this testimony came the invitation from the Prophet to gather with the saints into a community where the Church could be organized, or later, strengthened. That sounds simple, but moving even with our modern conveniences in travel is always a big deal. Many early members were not able to sell farms and other property before moving so just left it at times in obedience to the call to gather. The Saints gathered to avoid their enemies and persecution and to receive strength, build temples, and receive more revelation and power from God. Their exodus from New York to Kirtland is like Moses' people in Egypt leaving Egypt and entering the wilderness where at Mt. Sinai they received the Law. The Saints received the Law in Kirtland along with other Pentecostal outpourings. Other parallels between ancient Israel's journey and the modern exodus of this restored Church are fascinating. For example, there are only two places on the earth that have a living lake connected to a dead lake by a river...Israel and Utah. Anyway, the early Saints were a gathering people who literally came into one place, and this gathering was rather crucial for "jump-starting" the Restoration. Joseph Smith needed a body of Saints to build a temple and receive further restored doctrines and power, along with having a group to create a more fully organized Priesthood and Church from. Though literal gathering is not as it was in the 19th Century, many types of gathering continue in this true and living Church as people still gather for worshipping, for listening to General Conference, as families, generally to the one house/one faith/one the united faith made possible by an authorized Prophet and leaders. As a missionary I helped gather those who would respond to the message of the Restoration and spiritual confirmations given from the Book of Mormon and other fruits of the Restoration. I am part of a family that gathers immediately and as extended family regularly for greater reasons than just create memories together; we believe in an eternal gathering of families immediate and through generations.
Still, the gathering of the early Saints affects me in other profound ways. Their sacrifice and obedience built a very strong foundation for this Church and my testimony. I never get tired of hearing stories of faithful early members who gave everything to heed the call of a Prophet of God. Their demonstration of faith is inspiring and remembering them helps me stay faithful. Because of them the Church was able to thrive amidst great persecution and hardship. Just as ancient Israel remembered Moses' people for hundreds and hundreds of years to stay true to their roots and preserve their identity, remembering the early Saints of this dispensation has often strengthened my commitment to stay active in the Church and keep pushing through trials I may have. I have (approx) great-great grandparents who responded to faithful missionaries in eastern Germany in the mid-19th century and joined the Church. Because of great persecution mainly from Protestant faiths in their small-town and the practice of gathering to Utah still at the time, they left everything (including a very beautiful small town!) to come to Blackfoot, Idaho...dry and barren! I am grateful for their true conversion and willingness to leave everything to gather with the Saints and start a rich heritage for their posterity.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Progressive Revelation - D&C 25

In vs.1 the Lord addresses Emma Smith (Joseph's wife) as his "daughter", which is meaningful and unique. Then He says "for verily I say unto you, all those who receive my gospel are sons and daughters in my kingdom." All is an encompassing word and shows the Lord's willingness to adopt all people into the Family of Christ, where each is saved through the Atonement. This revelation shows in other instances the equality of women, empowering Emma and others who liken the revelation to themselves to be actors, not acted upon. Actors in the family, in the church, and in society. For example, in vs. 2 the Lord inherently gives Emma the power of choice when He says "...if thou are faithful [then promises blessings]" because "if" leaves the outcome up to her. She is not chained to any one destiny, though the Lord's will is made clear and He provides power and knowledge concerning the best path available. During this time period (around 1830) women had a very low legal status. Men could beat women for any reason. Women didn't vote, they didn't hold office, nor any type of leadership. If they couldn't bear children, they weren't an asset because children worked on the farm. Even in vs. 4 when the Lord tells Emma to stop murmuring, He implies that she is responsible and in control of her life. In vs. 6 and vs. 7 the Lord gives radical roles for Emma (considering the historical context where women had only one role in the home): as a scribe for Joseph while Oliver Cowdery is called elsewhere and as one who can expound scripture and exhort the Church, ordained under Joseph's hands. These are significant roles! Along with asserting her role as a supportive wife, the Lord gives her a variety of responsibility. Today we may not be surprised to see women at the pulpit giving sermons and testimonies, but in that day it was novel. Emma wasn't to be told by Joseph or some other man what to say, either. Just like the men, she would be given "according as it shall be given thee by my Spirit." (vs. 7) So, though her role as a mother/wife in a nuclear family is reinforced (vs. 5) the Lord doesn't limit Emma to that. Lastly in vs.11 she is given the responsibility for creating a sacred book of hymns. This is not a lesser responsibility. Consider the impact of hymns: Hymns are considered prayers unto the Lord followed by blessings from Him (vs. 12); hymns are sung at every church meeting (while sometimes you may not hear verses from the Bible, Book of Mormon, or D&C); hymns invite change and attract the Spirit powerfully and teach the doctrine for the first time to many...especially children!
As vs. 13 states, "Wherefore lift up thy heart and rejoice,” this revelation truly helps restore women to their proper role and status in the home, church, and society. It is worth noting that the first woman to vote in America was a LDS woman in SLC, the first woman to fun for legislative office was a LDS woman, and the first woman to serve as a mayor in America was a LDS woman.
All of God's children have unique roles, so equality doesn't mean you have to be doing the exact same thing. But the power of choice should be preserved in all people, and the fulness of the Gospel makes it clear that the fulness of God's blessings are equally open to all.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Importance of Articles & Covenants (D&C 20)

On February 27th, 1832, a short revelation was received for Lincoln Haskins essentially calling him on a mission, to "go forth and proclaim my gospel whithersoever I will send him..." He was to be ordained and to take with him "the articles and covenants which I have given unto you and some of the commandments.." (The Joseph Smith Papers, p. 433) This may seem fairly insignificant, but the importance of the articles and covenants to the Lord is illuminated. The articles and covenants refers to D&C section 20, a revelation received shortly before the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ on the 6th April, 1830. It is one of the more lengthy revelations, with three main parts that tie together beautifully:
1 - A historical overview
2 - A doctrinal section
3 - A handbook on Church organization

The historical overview recounts some key events in Joseph Smith's call to be a prophet including him receiving forgiveness of sins, heavenly visits, commandments, and power to translate the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is established as a true record with the fulness of the Gospel proving the Lord's unchangeable pattern of calling prophets. Those who receive this work of Joseph Smith are promised eternal life. The more doctrinal section teaches about God, the Creation, Atonement of Jesus Christ, Justification & Sanctification, and our responsibility to believe, be baptized, endure to the end, and love and serve God with all our strength. Then the handbook on Church organization and government teaches about proper baptism to join Christ's church, about the Sacramanent ordinance, and about the duties and organization of Priesthood holders in watching over and administering to the Church members.
When I look at the revelation as a whole I see a powerful synthesis between these sections. The Lord asserts the truthfulness and validity to the foundation of the Church in modern-day visions, revelations, and scripture. The doctrine in purity springs from this authorized source -- a true prohpet speaking for God. Therefore, this Chuch has the full capacity to lead people to Eternal Life through Christ. The Priesthood and revelations make it possible to administer ordinances necessary for salvation and not just guide people to Justification but also Sanctification and preparation for Eternal with God.
Essentially, this revelation was a landmark guide that Lincoln Haskins (or any missionary) could take to teach the basic Gospel principles of the Restoration and Gospel of Christ. Brother Haskins would have a clear constitution on organizing or correcting the Church wherever he went. Other references to this revelation show how highly the Lord regarded it: Even before Lincoln, in February of 1831, the revelation received in D&C 42 speaks of ordained missionaries going forth to teach the fulness of the Gospel, in the Bible and Book of Mormon, and says right after: "And they shall observe the covenants and church articles to do them, and these shall be their teachings, as they shall be directed by the Spirit." (vs 13) Last but not least, when the Church's orderly revelatory channels were threatened by Hiram Page receiving false revelations through some stone, the Lord said Satan was deceiving him and that "these things have not been appointed unto him, neither shall anyhing be apointed unto any of this church contrary to the church covenants." (D&C 28:12). The articles and covenants in D&C 20 are sure reference points to maintain Priesthood order and a healthy, true and living Church, with immunity to disease from without and cancers from within!