Thursday, October 15, 2009

G a t h e r i ng!

The early Saints in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gained testimonies of Joseph's role as a prophet similar to ancient Israel's view of Moses or other prophets. With this testimony came the invitation from the Prophet to gather with the saints into a community where the Church could be organized, or later, strengthened. That sounds simple, but moving even with our modern conveniences in travel is always a big deal. Many early members were not able to sell farms and other property before moving so just left it at times in obedience to the call to gather. The Saints gathered to avoid their enemies and persecution and to receive strength, build temples, and receive more revelation and power from God. Their exodus from New York to Kirtland is like Moses' people in Egypt leaving Egypt and entering the wilderness where at Mt. Sinai they received the Law. The Saints received the Law in Kirtland along with other Pentecostal outpourings. Other parallels between ancient Israel's journey and the modern exodus of this restored Church are fascinating. For example, there are only two places on the earth that have a living lake connected to a dead lake by a river...Israel and Utah. Anyway, the early Saints were a gathering people who literally came into one place, and this gathering was rather crucial for "jump-starting" the Restoration. Joseph Smith needed a body of Saints to build a temple and receive further restored doctrines and power, along with having a group to create a more fully organized Priesthood and Church from. Though literal gathering is not as it was in the 19th Century, many types of gathering continue in this true and living Church as people still gather for worshipping, for listening to General Conference, as families, generally to the one house/one faith/one the united faith made possible by an authorized Prophet and leaders. As a missionary I helped gather those who would respond to the message of the Restoration and spiritual confirmations given from the Book of Mormon and other fruits of the Restoration. I am part of a family that gathers immediately and as extended family regularly for greater reasons than just create memories together; we believe in an eternal gathering of families immediate and through generations.
Still, the gathering of the early Saints affects me in other profound ways. Their sacrifice and obedience built a very strong foundation for this Church and my testimony. I never get tired of hearing stories of faithful early members who gave everything to heed the call of a Prophet of God. Their demonstration of faith is inspiring and remembering them helps me stay faithful. Because of them the Church was able to thrive amidst great persecution and hardship. Just as ancient Israel remembered Moses' people for hundreds and hundreds of years to stay true to their roots and preserve their identity, remembering the early Saints of this dispensation has often strengthened my commitment to stay active in the Church and keep pushing through trials I may have. I have (approx) great-great grandparents who responded to faithful missionaries in eastern Germany in the mid-19th century and joined the Church. Because of great persecution mainly from Protestant faiths in their small-town and the practice of gathering to Utah still at the time, they left everything (including a very beautiful small town!) to come to Blackfoot, Idaho...dry and barren! I am grateful for their true conversion and willingness to leave everything to gather with the Saints and start a rich heritage for their posterity.

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